Friday, December 19, 2014

Everything I Touch Seems to Fizzle

You know how King Midas touched turned to gold? Given my current budget, that would be a very handy gift to have, as long as I did't feel like any physical affection or petting my cats. Well, if I speculated about the gift at my hands, it would be fizzling. The funny thing is that writing this blog seemed so important and now my desire is starting to fizzle a bit. 

I love the word fizzle. It could be the two z's or the way the word is one of those onomatopoeia words. Fizzling makes me think of San Pellegrino, champagne, and jets in a hot tub. The effervescent bubbles reminds me of the happy, exuberant, and joyful eagerness in which many of my projects get started. Often, there is a lively vivaciousness behind projects I start. But then, I get bored, distracted, overwhelmed, or put off for a myriad of other reasons. And then, the bubbles seem to wear off and the project fizzles out. 

Fizzling can also mean the hissing sound caused by a liquid or gas forced through an aperture (that's the onomatopoeia one). This fits too, because the tight pressure exuded when I start something is often unsustainable bubbly energy dissipates.   

So my life has a serious case of the fizzles. What is that all about? 

I buy into the Hermetic Axiom that states "As above, so below; as below, so above," but see it more as what shows up in the outside of my world is a reflection of my internal world. The circumstances and situations and limitations I experience in life are a reflection of my psychology. It all plays out. So what inside of me fizzles? I'm losing interest again. More fizzle! Speaking of fizzle, where is the bubbly?

It's hard to know where the stories and perceptions in my head fizzle, but shall we give it a gander? I would guess it's a self esteem issue. Novelty, by it's nature, is exciting. The excitement of something new or ventured is often something I revel in just for the joy of the new and the adventure. But as the novelty wanes, there is certainly a part of me that starts to question whether I've made a good choice or a bad choice, and while self examination is a good thing, constant self doubt is undermining. It's a bubble-killer for sure. So how do I learn to believe in something long enough to sustain it when the bubbles burn out because this fizzle-touch thing has got to go, or at least share space with a touch that's like the Energizer bunny.

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